Diablo 3 like games
Diablo 3 like games

diablo 3 like games

The Runic Games story began back in 2009, with a title that offered the same randomly-generated dungeons rife with loot to amass. Platforms: PC, PlayStation, Xbox Cost: Free! Buy here The Torchlight seriesĪnother very clear descendant of the Diablo lineage is the trilogy of Torchlight games.

diablo 3 like games

This title has also got an expansion – Path of Exile: Crucible – coming out in early April, so now’s a perfect time to get into the scene. In fact, plenty of players have gotten hooked on this title during the long interim while Blizzard has been working on Diablo 4. The systems, the setting, the style so much of Path of Exile has been directly inspired by the Diablo DNA. One of the most similar games to the Diablo franchise is Path of Exile. So depending on what you most love about the world and systems of Diablo, there’s a perfect game for you to explore. There are loads of other titles that have been inspired by this franchise. If you, like our staff, absolutely loved the open beta loved the open beta and now need a fix of that Diablo-like goodness while we wait, there’s good news.

diablo 3 like games

We are oh-so-close to Diablo 4 being a reality instead of a fever dream, but the official release isn’t until summer, so we still have a couple months of gaming to go before the full game lands in our hot little hands.

Diablo 3 like games